
Case Study: Wolters Kluwer Maternity Nursing Series

Medical Training Video Production

Project Overview

This medical video production of 14 maternity nursing skills topics was produced for Wolters Kluwer Health in 2018. Nursing schools around the world have included this video series in their curriculums. It helps students learn specific skills in maternal and infant nursing. This series demonstrates how effective training videos can be in educating medical professionals.

The most important aspects of medical and healthcare video production are the medical setting, casting, technology used, and ensuring a clinically accurate script for all video content. Collaborating with professionals who specialize in medical training video production services is crucial to ensure a high-quality effective product.

TMG writers worked with a subject matter expert (SME) provided by the client to create training scripts. They used content from various medical training textbooks as a reference. Location production consisted of 14 videos totaling 105 minutes, over four days. 

The production took place at the SAIL Center at Anne Arundel Medical Center, now known as Luminis. TMG also shot for two additional days in private homes to cover home-based topics like breastfeeding.

Target Audience

Nursing students in infant nursing courses & nursing schools / nursing programs.

Pre-production Phase

TMG offers comprehensive script-to-screen production management services. This means we manage every part of the production process, from developing and refining the script to filming, editing, and finalizing the video. Our team handles all logistics, such as casting, location scouting, set design, and post-production work. We ensure a seamless process and deliver a high-quality finished product. 

We work closely with our clients to bring their vision to life, delivering content that meets their specific goals and needs.


For this series, we cast a diverse group of talent, including both trained actors and professional clinicians. This blend ensured an authentic and educational portrayal of medical scenarios. The actors consistently delivered clear performances in the scripted segments. They helped explain complex medical concepts and procedures in a simple and accessible way. 

Meanwhile, the professional clinicians provided a real-world perspective, demonstrating medical techniques with the expertise and precision that only experienced practitioners can offer.

One of the standout features of this series is the inclusion of real-life footage. We captured genuine moments, especially during the segment on Apgar testing. 

We filmed this footage during an actual live birth, which adds authenticity to the content. This rare and valuable footage provides a unique level of realism. It offers viewers an unfiltered look at genuine practices treating potential patients and emotional moments in a healthcare setting.

Production Phase

TMG videotaped using Sony FS-5 and Sony FS-7 cameras to capture high-quality video for the series. We chose these cameras for their  image capture quality and adaptability in medical environments. 

Our production crew consisted of a lighting director, sound engineer, director, producer, and production assistants. They all worked together to create a professional and engaging visual atmosphere. The use of a teleprompter helped ensure the professional  talent delivered complex medical information accurately.

Post-production Phase

In post-production, we edited this series on AVID, a professional non-linear editing software known for its precision. This ensured a polished final product, with careful attention to maintaining factual accuracy and educational value. The editing process involved close collaboration with the client, integrating footage, audio, and visual effects seamlessly.

TMG carefully implemented transitions and animations to ensure smooth scene changes. We also included a narrator to clearly explain the processes and procedures, enhancing the educational value of the videos. We provided the final videos in different formats, suitable for eLearning, computer-based learning, and streaming.

Final Deliverables & Results

The medical series combines live-action re-enactments with real-life footage of medical professionals. This approach effectively illustrates the realities of working in a healthcare organization. It offers a detailed look at the responsibilities and challenges faced by medical staff. The series also highlights the patient care process in a realistic and engaging way.

Regardless of the type of videos you are producing—whether they are patient education videos, training videos, marketing videos, or animation videos—it is essential to work with a video production company that can present medical information clearly and professionally.


Producer: Liz Thibodeau